Meet the Governors
Welcome to the Governors' section!
On 1st November 2014 the Governing Body was reconstituted following the successful Federation of New Leake Primary School with Stickney C of E Primary School.
Details of our Governing Body can be found below or downloaded as a pdf from the link at the bottom of this page.
Governing Board September 2024 - August 2025 Academic Year
Governor | Category of Governor | Term of Office Start Date | Term of Office End/Resigned | Committee Membership | Additional Responsibilities |
Mrs L Arnold Chair of Governors |
Local Authority Governor |
25/04/2018 | 14/03/2026 |
Finance, Vulnerable pupil, Training and development, Safeguarding, SDP 1 Writing, SDP 2 Assesment, SDP 3 Behaviour , SDP 4 Couragous Advocacy, Curriculum |
Rev F Jeffries
Ex Officio Foundation Governor | 01/11/2014 | Pay (Chair), Head Teacher’s Performance Management Review (Chair) | GDPR, SIAMS | |
Mrs R Cotton |
Ex Officio Staff Governor | 01/09/2022 | |||
Mr J Dawson | Foundation Governor representing the William Lovell Trust | 01/11/2018 | 31/11/2026 | Head Teacher’s Performance Management Review | Health and Safety, Attendance |
Mr M Ardito | Staff Governor | 28/04/2023 | 27/04/2027 | Online Safety | |
Mrs L Seal | Parent Governor | 21/12/2023 | 20/12/2027 | PAY | Vulnerable pupil, Curriculum |
Mrs W Aucote Vice Chair of Governors |
Co-Opted Governor | 05/10/2022 | 05/10/2026 | Head Teacher’s Performance Management Review, PAY | Finance, |
Mrs E McIntee | Co-Opted Governor | 11/01/2023 | 10/01/2027 | Food In school, EYFS | |
Vacancy | Parent Governor | ||||
Vacancy | Co-Opted Governor | ||||
Vacancy | Co-Opted Governor | ||||
Vacancy | Co-Opted Governor | ||||
Vacancy | Co-Opted Governor | ||||
Vacancy | Co-Opted Governor | ||||
Mrs L Spring
Parent Governor | 11/02/2021 | 31/08/2024 | ||
Ms E Maltby | Co-Opted Governor | 26/09/2023 | 31/08/2024 | ||
Mr S Hurst | Co-Opted Governor | 12/12/2023 | 13/05/2024 | ||
Mrs C Paling | Co-Opted Governor | 07/12/2023 | 19/04/2024 | ||
Mrs T Wright | Parent Governor | 21/09/2022 | 01/12/2023 | Pay | Online safety, Food in school |
Committee Structure
Pay Committee – responsible for Headteacher’s Performance Management and for ensuring that the staff performance management system is managed in line with the school policy, undertaking pay review as appropriate in line with school policy
Policy Committee – responsible for reviewing and adopting those policies which have been delegated to the committee and ensuring that they are communicated to all relevant stakeholders.
As part of Full Governing Board Finance & Resource Management – responsible for all aspects of financial management resources and staffing.
Business and Pecuniary Interests September 2024 - August 2025 Academic Year
Governor | Related to possible supplier of goods/services | Related to employee of the school | Governor/Trustee of another school | Trustee of a Charity |
Mrs Arnold | None | None | None | None |
Mr Dawson | None | None | None | William Lovell Foundation |
Rev Jeffries | None | None | Governor at William Lovell Academy | Stickney Charities, Stickford Charities |
Mr Ardito | None | None | None | None |
Mrs Cotton | None | None | None | Stickney school fund, New Leake school fund |
Mrs Aucote | None | None | None | None |
Mrs McIntee | None | None | None | None |
Mrs L Seal | None | None | None |
Attendance for September 2023 - August 2024 Academic Year
Governors | Full Governors Meetings | Committee/Panel Meetings |
Mrs Arnold | 4/4 | 0/0 |
Mrs Spring | 3/4 | 4/4 |
Rev Jeffries | 1/4 | 6/6 |
Mr Dawson | 4/4 | 2/2 |
Mrs Cotton | 4/4 | 0/0 |
Mrs Aucote | 3/4 | 3/4 |
Mrs Wright | 0/3 | 2/2 |
Mrs McIntee | 4/4 | 0/0 |
Mr Ardito | 4/4 | 0/0 |
Ms Maltby | 1/1 | 0/0 |
Mrs L Seal | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Mrs C Paling | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Mr S Hurst | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Attendance for September 2022 - August 2023 Academic Year
Governors | Full Governors Meetings | Committee Meetings |
Mrs Arnold | 9/9 | 0/0 |
Mrs Spring | 9/9 | 1/1 |
Rev Jeffries | 8/9 | 3/3 |
Mr Dawson | 8/9 | 2/2 |
Mrs Cotton | 9/9 | 2/2 |
Mrs Crossland | 3/5 | 0/0 |
Mrs Aucote | 6/8 | 2/2 |
Mrs Wright | 6/8 | 1/1 |
Mr Ardito | 3/3 | 0/0 |
Further Information
Further information on any aspect of governance can be obtained from the Clerk to the Governors by emailing or by writing to the Clerk to the Governors, c/o Stickney Primary School, Main Road, Stickney, Boston, PE22 8AX