Home Page

New Leake Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Welcome to our SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) page!

Our SENCO is Mrs N Hill.  You can contact Mrs Hill to discuss any matters linked to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by emailing (marked for the attention of the SENCO) or calling 01205 270285, where we will be happy to assist you. 

We aim to be a fully inclusive school with all our curriculum and facilities open to all children irrespective of any special educational needs or disabilities.

The documents below outline the type of support available and how you can access it.


SEND Code of Practice


SEND Local Offer

The Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.  SEND Local Offer – Lincolnshire County Council



Here are some helpful links to various services:

For Parents/Carers with Education, Health and Care Plans
